Biography Prusak М.М.
Biography Prusak М.М.
Prusak Michael Mihajlovich - the governor of the Novgorod area, a member of Advice(council)
Federations of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the chairman of committee on the international affairs
Council of Federation.
Was born February, 23, 1960 in village Dzhurkov of Kolomyjskogo area
The Ivano-Frankovsk area in family of the worker. On a nationality украинец.
Has finished school, then in 1979 - Kolomyjskoe pedagogical school. With 1980
For 1982 served in army. After service has acted(arrived) in the Maximum(supreme) комсомольскую school
At ЦК ВЛКСМ in Moscow, has finished her(it) in 1986, has received a speciality
The teacher of a history and social science, was directed to the Novgorod area.
Was first secretary Holmskogo of district committee ВЛКСМ, then with 1988 for 1991-
The director of state farm " Трудовик " of this area, to workers and inhabitants of this state farm,
By TV to the program "Н-bureau", it was remembered by that very much loves bacon.
It was selected deputy Holmskogo
Regional Advice(council) since 1987, the People's Deputy of the USSR since 1989 for 1991.
Was the authorized representative of the candidate in presidents Е.Б.Н. PRESIDENT ЕЛЬЦЫНЫМ Б.Н.
In November, 1991 it is appointed the chapter of administration of the Novgorod area. The most active
In the image has engaged in development of the international tourism in Novgorod. Under his(its) initiative
Novgorod began one of the centres of followers RhoneH аbbарd (Churches Saentologii),
Personally studied this doctrine and by pages of newspapers called all to pass training in
Novgorod centre Saentologii.
In December
1993 it is elected the deputy of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In December
1995 it is elected the governor of the Novgorod area, having typed(collected) 56,49 percents
Voices of the voters who have shown on elections. Since January, 1996 - a member of Council of Federation Federal
Assemblies of the Russian Federation. More than 4th years - a constant member of parliamentary delegation of Russia in
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.
In Novgorod the factory "SPECTRUM" by the first in the country closed to let out videorecorders.
In 1994 has finished Academy of national economy at the government Russian
Federations under the program " the Head in conditions of the market ". Has received a speciality
The manager of the maximum(supreme) category. In June, 1995 has protected the dissertation on competition
Scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences. Corresponding member
The St.-Petersburg engineering academy, the full member International
Academies of information.
In Novgorod completely мародёрским the method takes away ON "ЭЛКОН", the largest
In Russia the enterprise for release эл.вакуумных devices and color kinescopes.
Thousand people appeared in the street.
In May, 1996 for merits before the state and a long-term honest work
It is awarded with an award of Friendship. For merits before the state and long-term
The honest work is awarded with an award of Friendship, for merits before the state,
The big contribution to strengthening economy, realization of reforms and democratic
Transformations it is awarded with an award " For merits before Fatherland " II degrees.
Пракратило the existence ON "WAVE" специализировавшееся on выпсуке
Devices of tracking and space orientation. Thousand high quality experts
Are compelled to go on a market to trade in the Chinese balls.
In January, 1997 it is elected a member of Academy pedagogical and social sciences.
The governor of the Novgorod area Michael Prusak began one of the first winners
Adama Smith's premiums which in January, 1998 were founded by Institute
Economic problems of a transition period.
Яндекс in any way it is not connected to authors and contents of page id=10
June, 25 2002 ANNOUNCEMENTS Delegation EAEK in structure of vice-presidents ЕАЕК
V.Kantora and M.Bezeljanskogo, executive and financial director ЕАЕК
F.Osinina and the head of department EAEK on public relations and
R.Spektora's MASS-MEDIA has taken part in opening the Jewish communal centre and
Synagogues in Great Novgorod (Russia). On celebrations were present
Heads of Federation of the Jewish communities of Russia (ФЕОР) led by the main thing
Rabbi of Russia (ФЕОР) Берлом Лазаром.
The governor of the Novgorod area Michael Prussak in performance(statement) on opening
Synagogues has emphasized organizational and financial participation in it
Noble business of vice-president ЕАЕК of V.V.Kantora - the main shareholder
химкомбината "AKRON". Open objects - the powerful contribution Euroasian
The Jewish Congress in development of a social infrastructure of area and
The big gift велигородцам.
Celebrations on the occasion of opening the communal centre and a synagogue were finished
Reception and the гала-concert holding in the House of culture,
Reconstructed on means of "AKRON". Vice-president ЕАЕК V.Kantor and
The governor of area M.Prussak have exchanged toasts in which have emphasized
Importance of partnership between the Jewish public and bodies
The government of Russia. The Euroasian Jewish Congress
Яндекс in any way it is not connected to authors and contents of page id=10
In a nomination _Регион equal возможностей_ it is named the winner of the Russian competition
_Мужчина-97 _, organized all-Russian _Движением women Rossii_ in common
With Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation Michael Prusak, the governor Novgorod
Areas. Results of competition are posted in February, 1998.
June, 25, 1998 to the governor of the Novgorod area Michael Prusaku it is handed
Andrey Pervozvannogo's founded by Fund Sacred Всехвального of the Apostle the premium
Andrey Pervozvannogo.
January, 27, 1999 in Strasbourg at session of parliamentary Assembly of Advice(council)
Europe the governor of the Novgorod area Michael Prusak was elected the assistant
The chairman of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe a/pass/, heads which
Рассел Джонсон from the Great Britain.
Michael Prusak has received this public post for the period of one year. Up to him(it)
The vice-president the PASS from Russia was Alexander Shohin.
The decision of jury of the National premium on development of public relations
" Silver лучник " the Novgorod area is named on results of 1998 the winner in
Nominations " Region in which public relations " effectively develop. 27
January, 1999 the premium and the diploma _Серебряный лучник_ is handed Michael Prusaku.
At the All-Russia meeting of builders holding in April, 1999 in Moscow,
By results of the interrogation organized by " the Building newspaper " among workers
Building branch, public organizations including
Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation, journalists Michael Prusak it is awarded with the Diploma
"Grand prix" for outstanding creative activity.
The certificate of a recognition of the effective investment policy(politics) spent
The administration of area, began two events which have occurred at the end of June: 26 numbers in
To capital of Austria to Vienna delivery to governor Michael Prusaku of a prize was held
European institute of economy " Crystal globe ". June, 25 under the decision
Shareholders of Russian Open Society " UES of Russia " (Mr. Chubajsa) the governor of the Novgorod area is elected in structure
Board of directors of this company.
July, 9, 1999 the diploma is handed the governor of area Michael Prusaku
The full member of the International academy of economy, the finance and the right for
High results in the international economic cooperation and the Gold mark
Academies, for increase of well-being of the population.
September, 2, 1999 solemn ceremony of delivery to the governor was held
Breastplate " the Fourth authority. For merits before press ". The mark is founded
Club of editors - in - chief of regional newspapers of Russia, uniting about(near) 400
Editors - in - chief.
March, 26, 1999 the decision of the State maximum(supreme) attestative committee
The scientific degree of the doctor is awarded the Russian Federation of Prusaku M.M.
Economic sciences. It(he) has protected the dissertation on a theme _Реформирование managements
Economy of the subject Russian .
September, 5, 1999 it is elected the governor on the third term, for him(it) has voted
91,56 percents of the voters who have taken part in elections. (25 %!!!)
News agency the опресс-centre. Руп, 26.10.2001, Michael Prusak
Has accused Putin of nonsense; Business St. Petersburg (Saint Petersburg), 30.10.2001
, JULIA ГЕНЕРОЗОВА, GREAT NOVGOROD, Прусак against districts; Россiя,
30.10.2001, 7 NEWS, the Governor of the Novgorod area Michael Prusak not
It is pleased with an existing election system of the president of Russia; Russian
Political portraits (Alliance Медиа), 23.10.2001, LEADER ДПР IS SURE, THAT
27.10.2001, Прусак has accused Putin of nonsense; Russian political
Portraits (Alliance Медиа), 30.10.2001 POLICIES(POLITICS) HAS CALLED the PRESIDENT PUTIN
The newspaper, 27.10.2001, Прусак has called Putin to correct mistakes/
The digest is prepared by the Novgorod inf-analytical centre
With Putin in Paris accompanies Novgorod
Governor Michael Prusak - at congress of "Unity" on Saturday it(he) has acted with
Sharp criticism of economic reforms and institute полпредов Putin today in
Paris met representatives of the French business circles. At a meeting
There was also Novgorod governor Michael Prusak.
Under message РИА of "News", then at press conference it(he) has told, that
Local businessmen have compared Putin with de Goll, having found pertinent to compare
Scales of transformations in the field of the state construction and
Economy at both leaders. Прусак has noted warm reception of the French,
Has told, that those asked about Russian Open Society " European Economic Community " (Putin has told:
"Welcome", - but has warned what to privatize wires and
The facilities(economy) while is impossible) and that the president has expressed full determination to go
Further on a way of perfection of the tax laws. that in
Paris Прусак has departed directly from congress of "Unity". Addressing to at congress,
The Novgorod governor combined support of "Unity" and the president with sharp
Criticism of economic and federal reforms.
In opinion of Michael Prusaka, the project of the budget for 2001 does not reflect
Power balance of the country, incorrectly distributes(allocates) tax
Receipts. Прусак considers, that transformations do not stimulate bank
Reform, instead of reasonable economic policy the state is engaged
" The account and the control ", creates financial police and similar bodies.
Now, the governor speaks, laws on legalization of incomes are necessary for
Physical persons and about financial amnesty - for legal.
Прусак criticizes the environment of the president too frequently stating
The point of view, and institute полпредов before which introduction " governors were
Red, white, and now everyone began equally bad ". However, in conversation
With " Полит. Ру " Michael Prusak has emphasized, that attitudes(relations) with Черкесовым at him(it)
"Warm". The Novgorod governor has expressed " Полит. Ру " inconsistent
Feelings to a policy(politics) of the Kremlin command so: " Or Putin by February begins
The civil president, or to all of us it will be much worse ".
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The wife - Мирослава, two children - daughter Irina of 1985 of birth and son Andrey, 1988
Year of birth, study in a grammar school.
Father - Prusak Michael Nikolaevich, 1932 of birth, mother-Прусак Sofia
Степановна, 1936 of birth, now pensioners.
Hobbies - fishing, a hunt, it is constant with interest studies domestic? A history.
Now it put forward by grateful people Novgorod on next
Term of a governorship.
The text is reprinted from a site People. ру
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