Help! For all people, who loves "SOAD"

04 сентября 2005 года
Brohters and sisters, help me find my son! His name is Roma Nikonov, he is 19 years old, learned in University and loves "SOAD" wiht me! Now I live in another country and lost his telephone. Help!
04 сентября 2005 года
Are you know for sure that the any fanklub of "SOAD" exist in this sity? I loves "SOAD", but I dont know somebody else who loves...sorry for my broken english and have a good luck to find your son.

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05 сентября 2005 года
Natashik, thanks for answer and cood wishes.Your English is not so broken - that's enouth for understending!
You can find brothers in mind, if sometimes meet my son and his friends
(about SOAD : I think, that "Toxisity" - it's the best of all. And you?)
If it is not so difficult for you, may be, you try to ask your friends about Roma?
Novgorod is not megapolis, everything may be.
Good Lusk at any case!

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06 сентября 2005 года
ну я знаю Рому Никонова,училась с ним в школе,и сейчас ему вроде как 19,и учится он в универе

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02 октября 2005 года
Why you posted on russian ?!! :D :D

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